Your life, your choices, not their business

Mathilde Miessen
3 min readMay 25, 2020


Do you also feel like sometimes you don’t really live your life to the fullest? Have you ever asked yourself why? Well, I did.

I came to find several answers to that.

Answer #1: You don’t believe in yourself

This must be the most common one. In today’s society, we’re constantly facing successful people on social media. Like social media is the new way of making us feel guilty or like crap. This ends up reducing our confidence little by little because we keep comparing ourselves to those people, who, by the way, are most of the time big fakes. But it shouldn’t be this way! Social media are supposed to be a great means of connexion and sharing, which implies society’s growth! Not something we suffer from.

Confidence is the key to achieve personal goals, and we shouldn’t let anyone make us feel we’re not capable of. We’re all different from each other and this is what makes it even better, complementarity is the key! We should set ourselves as the next example someone was for us. Inspire people, improve their self-love and confidence, make them achieve the impossible! Let’s keep in mind that the only limit is our mind, not how others make us feel.

Answer #2: You are too busy

Between work-life and personal-life it might be hard to find the perfect balance and free up some time for what we truly want. But it’s really important to save some time for ourselves, and it is not selfish! How can we be fully fulfilled and send positive vibes around us if we aren’t pursuing our dreams or what makes us thrill? Life is only lived once, one unique chance to make the most of it, one shot.

So, we should rank more and balance things out.

Answer #3: You’re not surrounded by the right people

I, for one, feel very concerned by this answer. For a long time, I felt like I needed my friends’ and relatives’ support to feel confident.

The point was I hadn’t it all the time. I took it very personally, and it made me feel sad and unconfident ending up giving up my projects.

It is ok that not everyone agrees with what we do or likes what we undertake. But real friends or family will always show some support because they know how important it is for us. Those who don’t are probably not the ones we should be surrounded with. What’s the point to hang out with some people who don’t want good things and success for us?

Answer #4: You don’t want it enough

Last but not least, we don’t want it enough. Nowadays because of hypes and trends on social media we tend to do things because everyone is doing it, not because we really want it. It’s a matter of belonging. But we shouldn’t do things we don’t like or want. Results? We do not achieve anything, we end up frustrated and lacking confidence. Needless to say how destructive it is for our mental health.

At the end of the story, what we should keep in mind is that we live for ourselves and not for others. We shouldn’t let people pilot our lives just because we’re afraid of rejection. We are who we are, and this is all good! Go for what you want, live your life as it was yours.



Mathilde Miessen

I’m an SEO and a Healthy Lifestyle enthusiast. I write about health, wellbeing, & so much more! Personal Blog: