The Next 4 Things You Should Do For Life Success

Mathilde Miessen
3 min readJan 27, 2020


Aerial view of someone working on personal project. Life’s goal

Being a blissful human being is not an easy task. It requires time, determination, and motivation. Yes, unfortunately, it won’t fall into your laps, you have to provoke it. I’m not pretending I know everything about life but, I feel pretty happy in mine, and there’re some reasons why. Which ones? Let me explain.

Goal, Goal, Goal

You need to have a goal, your own life project. It can literally be everything, there’s no one-fit-all-size solution for that. If you like singing, hiking, drawing, writing, animals, cooking, … , you name it, go for it! Take some time to think about it. List 5 things you like doing for extra time, select the 3 you could do every day, pick up the 2 you feel the most connected to, and, finally, select the one you feel good at. I’m not saying it’s a breeze, it requires some time and good self-knowledge. But it’s definitely worth a try. Why? It’ll make your life more exciting, you’ll feel guided, motivated, the desire to get better and better. It’s an amazing feeling everyone deserves. And guess what? It’s all free!

Go for a healthier diet

Everything is correlated. If you have a healthier diet, you’ll feel better in your body, less tired, and more energetic. I know, it’s easier said than done, but you can do it. Changing your eating habits isn’t that hard and if you desire some help read this great and helpful article “Eating healthy, What Does It Really Mean?”. Mostly, it implies eating balanced with the right products (it’s where the article comes in handy).

Move your ass to the gym

If you want to achieve a perfectly healthy lifestyle, sorry …, you need to go to the gym. Find one activity you like, your best bud, and go subscribe for the next month. Try to be consistent by working-out at least 2 times a week. Doing sports helps externalize your inner frustration and tension. Bonus? You’ll get fit.


My final advice is stopping social media, or at least, reduce the amount of time you spend on it. Stop following those iconic persons as well, who most of the time are big fake, and they make you feel like crap. When I started to cut down on social media it went naturally when I decided to spend more time for myself and my personal project. And I did feel way better, less complexed. For instance on Instagram, people post only the good side of their life. They post modified photos, stunning landscapes, great parties, … But have you ever asked yourself if they were really enjoying those moments? I mean, they spend most of their time taking photos or selfies but do they really live those moments? That’s exactly what I didn’t want anymore. Living virtually.

You got it? Perfect then, time to stand up, rise and shine. YOUR life is waiting for you.



Mathilde Miessen

I’m an SEO and a Healthy Lifestyle enthusiast. I write about health, wellbeing, & so much more! Personal Blog: