The art of chasing dreams and not appreciating reality

Mathilde Miessen
3 min readFeb 9, 2021


Morning people,

Wow, it has been a hot minute since the last time I poped over here. In my defense, I was pretty much busy and active on Live My Way (my personal blog).

Anyway, if I’m here today it’s simply because I felt the need to put my thoughts down on the paper.

So, let me give you a bit of context. After a whole year spent in Vancouver British Columbia, I’ve been back in Belgium. The point is it feels so boring in comparison with all the precious moments & marvelous surroundings I got the chance to experience. I keep thinking & regretting my decision of coming back ending up sad and constantly frustrated because of this covid situation preventing me from enjoying Belgium as I used to do before.

This weekend, I had this talk with my best friend and she reminded me that the grass is not greener on the other side. She is completely right. It’s crazy how our brain has this capacity to focus only on the good forget the bad, which is good not gonna lie! But here I think it would be convenient to remember why I missed Belgium so much when I was in Van. It would help me appreciate my current life and move on.

Most of the time, we’re chasing something we do not possess being convinced it’s THE key to happiness, is it? What if happiness was it all, the current moment? Every time I think about past & cheerful moments/memories, I realized how lucky I was to have that moment.

3 things to help us live & appreciate the present

  • #1: Might seem obvious even though I don’t really practice it, mediation. Meditation is the art of focussing on the current moment, the art of awareness. It intends to achieve consciousness and being in harmony with ourselves by realizing & sensing our thoughts and being open to new perspectives. It is a real practice requiring consistency and patience.
  • #2: Stop looking at the past nostalgically. Smile & keep in in mind it was an awesome experience you had the chance to live. If it’s too hard for you to think about those good moments then just don’t. Stop scrolling your Insta account & highlights reminding you of all those good times, stop listening to the music you were listening at that moment. Instead, move on.
  • #3: Have some new life projects you’re enthusiastic about. Keep dreaming but do it realistically. Cautious here, the reality for some people might not be the same as yours. For instance, people keep telling me I live in a movie. But what’s the matter if it’s my reality, my enthusiasm & excitement? Don’t let people tell you what to dream of!
  • #4: Make sure to have a bit of joy every single day of your life. Might sound cheesy, but it could be having a nice cup of tea in a coffee shop supported with a yummy treat, having a warm bath, doing some yoga, reading a new exciting novel with some candles around, a yummy & gourmet breakfast… you name it. Be at the heat of the moment.

I hope you liked this reading. It was perhaps a bit personal, but I really tried to come up with helpful tips. Feel free to join me for even more fun & healthy livin’ tips on my blog or my Insta account.

Have a lovely Tuesday,




Mathilde Miessen

I’m an SEO and a Healthy Lifestyle enthusiast. I write about health, wellbeing, & so much more! Personal Blog: