How To Master The Art Of Self-Care & Wellbeing

Mathilde Miessen
3 min readJan 30, 2020


After a long and tough day at work, I feel like I need to write. So here I’m, sitting at Starbucks, drinking my Peach Tranquility tea, and trying to relax, forget about my day.

Writing is my personal therapy. It helps me disconnect and be with myself for a moment. I wish my words could help or touch someone, somewhere. A bit naive? I know. But I don’t really care, this makes me feel good.

I came to realize how important it is to take some time for ourselves and feel connected to our inner-selves. It definitely impacts a lot on our wellbeing and personal happiness. So ask yourself this: do you feel completely fulfilled? If the answer is yes, perfect! If the answer is confusing, you might find this article helpful.

Take some time for yourself

It’s not easy to think about ourselves and take some time for ourselves only. For some of us, it might even sound selfish. But the point is that we need that time, which I call “me-time”, it’s kind of vital to be more productive, to feel more fulfilled, happy,… you name it. And it’s not selfish AT ALL! Try to find some time in your busy agenda to do what you like. Writing, running, stretching, reading, cooking, taking a hot bath, yoga,… whatever! Disconnect yourself from your daily routine and only focus on yourself and your personal wants. Personally, I’m trying to free up for one hour every day. I couldn’t do it in the evening because I wanted to spend time with my partner as we both work during the day. So I decided to wake up earlier and take one hour a day to write, put my thoughts down on paper. I found it very releasing and motivating for starting my day in a good mood.

Do what YOU love and do it more

I feel like we’re constantly judged whatever we decide to do. If you want to dress up a certain way people will talk, if you want to change and be a better version of yourself people will talk again, if you want to think about you and only you, guess what, people will talk as well. I’m so tired of feeling always judged, this is MY life, MY choices and no one can tell me what to do or not. Along these lines, I started not to pay attention to people’s regards and judgments anymore and do my stuffs. I’m not telling it’s an easy task, and even sometimes I’m still hesitating before taking some uncommon decisions, but I feel more in harmony with myself, which I think, it the only thing that deeply matters.

Believe in yourself, nobody else will

Self-confidence’s got a lot to do with your wellbeing. I know this is way easier said than done but this is where everything starts. Why not believing more in your personal capacities for once? Promised, nobody else will do it for you. You have to stand up and show who you’re. Tiny personal tips, when I lack some confidence, I put myself into someone I admire ‘s shoes, it helps a lot. If you believe in you, you’ll look confident and people will, in turn, believe in you too. People need to be reassured and we’re the only ones able to reassure them by being sure of ourselves.

That’s said, it’s your turn to act.



Mathilde Miessen

I’m an SEO and a Healthy Lifestyle enthusiast. I write about health, wellbeing, & so much more! Personal Blog: