5 Ridiculously Simple Ways To Be Greener

Mathilde Miessen
2 min readJan 28, 2020


Photo of a board for the climate saying if not us who? If not now when?

Greenhouse gases, carbon, planet deterioration, environment, pollution, …, you name it. Global warming is a topic that concerns everyone but it seems like not all of us feel concerned. Maybe some of us are scared to talk about it and to face the truth, which is not a crime, but, unfortunately, it’s the poor reality.

Some scientific facts have proven the current disastrous situation, but I’m not here to expose those data. Today, I want to help you be a bit greener contributing to the save of our beautiful planet with some tiny, little daily routine you can follow. Don’t sweat it, I’m not talking about completely changing your daily habits, but when it comes to saving our planet I think we can make some efforts.

#1 Tip

Use a reusable bottle instead of a plastic bottle of water. It might seem like a no-brainer, but heaps of people keep buying plastic bottles and bring them to work. I promised the taste won’t be different plus your wallet will be happier.

#2 Tip

At work, they continue to use some paper tissues instead of a towel for wiping their hands. Please, ask the responsible to buy a towel, or just bring one from your place if he doesn’t want to buy it.

#3 Tip

This one might be the difficult one, but you should definitely consider it. If you work close to your place, please for the planet’s sake, go by walk. Sometimes it takes one hour to arrive at work just because of the traffic jam so consider the alternative it might even be faster for some of you. Bonus? No need to go that often to the gym (happy face).

#4 Tip

Buy your product in bulk. It’s really cool and fun because you can choose the exact amount you want, not waste. Plus, in general, those products are better because you buy in bulk in organic sections. It’s also very easy to do as you can find organic sections almost in every shop (if not, check out where the closest organic shop is). From tea to pasta, to nuts, to flour, to fruits, and even to M&M’s. You have no excuse for this one.

#5 Tip

Make your own products. I know, some of you will say that it requires times, but think that way; homemade biscuits, granola, tea, coffee, soap, …, can be way better for your health provided you use good products and it’s also a good opportunity to save on money.

That’s it for today. Those are my daily routine tips to contribute to the save of our planet and to become a better version of myself, a greener me. If you think about other easier tips, feel free to share.



Mathilde Miessen

I’m an SEO and a Healthy Lifestyle enthusiast. I write about health, wellbeing, & so much more! Personal Blog: https://www.livemyway.net